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reiciendis molestiae et

2019-02-28 05:41:17

Magazynowa 89A, 11-383 Marylka

doc. Bartek Sokołowski


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The story, as Miss White told it, was not unusual in that part of the city, but to John Dean there was every element of newness in it.

He listened without interruption as the story unfolded itself.

Mrs. Marsh, Ted’s mother, had had a hard time of it. Bill Marsh had married her eighteen years ago. Bill was a good mechanic, but after about six years of happiness things began to go wrong. He lost his position and at that time work was not easy to get. Day after day he had searched for something to do. Discouraged, he had taken to drink. Then there was a day when Bill did not return. In all these years Mrs. Marsh had never heard of him. She felt he was dead, yet even that she did not know.

It was a hard struggle afterward. Sewing and washing, early and late, and many a day she went hungry, so that the two children could eat. The mother often spoke of how Ted, when eight years old, had gone out one afternoon and had not returned until seven o’clock. Without a word he had put fifteen cents on the table and then had turned to eat. He showed by the way he ate how hungry he was. After the meal was over, he explained how he had made up his mind to support the family, and so he had bought some papers; the fifteen cents was profit. His capital, also some extra pennies, was intact, so that he could buy more papers.



His­to­ria tego kro­ju ma początek w Iranie, gdzie pod­czas kręce­nia się po Teheranie trafiłem na wit­rynę z napisem „TECH­NO”. Spodobały mi się bru­tal­isty­czne i geom­e­tryczne formy w tym kro­ju i za­cząłem sz­kice. Po jakimś cza­sie uczęszcza­nia do siłowni „SOLEC” w końcu doceniłem kun­szt z jakim za­pro­jek­towany został neon nad we­jś­ciem. El­e­men­ty układan­ki w końcu się połączyły i tak pow­stał MOSIR. Krój charak­teryzu­je mod­u­larną kon­strukcją z zaokrą­glony­mi de­ta­la­mi, które w za­leżnoś­ci od to­warzyst­wa wyglą­da­ją albo na wskroś nowocześnie lub zu­pełnie old­schoolowo. MOSIR posi­a­da 5 gruboś­ci i sprawdzi się tam gdzie poszuku­je­my moc­nego geom­e­trycznego charak­teru o przy­jaznej es­te­tyce. Przy pro­jek­cie kierowanym kreaty­wnie przez Ma­teusza Machal­skiego pra­cow­ali: Karol mu­la­rczyk oraz Mał­gorza­ta Bar­tosik

Ma­teusz Machal­s­ki

Co-founder Type De­sign­er
Brand­ing Ex­pert

+48 666 356 584