Tyskie Custom Font for Tyskie

Tyskie tasked us with creating a typeface based on their logo designed, resulting in a robust marketing tool.

Tyskie, a beer brand produced by Kompania Piwowarska, has been under the ownership of Japan's Asahi Group since March 31, 2017. The brand's origins can be traced back to 1629, which marks a distinct history from the inception of brewing in the region. Until 1999, prior to the formation of Kompania Piwowarska, Tyskie beers were exclusively brewed by Tyskie Browary Książęce.

Our responsibility was to develop a typeface based on the brand's logotype, originally designed by Wojtek Mierowski and Jacek Stankiewicz. The initial phase involved expanding the letter set with uppercase letters, followed by the addition of a complementary lowercase set. This development endowed the brand with a powerful marketing tool.

Custom Fonts  Case Studies

Custom Font and Logo Redesign for Żywiec Brand.

Touch­ideas' re­brand­ing of Ży­wiec in­cludes a new cus­tom font and let­ter­ing for the logo, em­body­ing the brand's moun­tain roots and re­fresh­ing beer flavor, while of­fer­ing a co­he­sive and unique brand iden­tity.

Allegro Brands: custom typeface

Allegro, a leading e-commerce platform in Poland, offers an extensive selection of products and user-friendly experience, cementing its position as a key player in the Polish online shopping landscape.