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Case Studies

Custom Font and Logo Redesign for Żywiec Brand.

Touch­ideas' re­brand­ing of Ży­wiec in­cludes a new cus­tom font and let­ter­ing for the logo, em­body­ing the brand's moun­tain roots and re­fresh­ing beer flavor, while of­fer­ing a co­he­sive and unique brand iden­tity.

Tyskie Custom Font

Tyskie Beer, a promi­nent Polish lager, is renowned for its rich his­tory and dis­tinc­tive taste that has made it a fa­vorite among beer en­thu­si­asts world­wide.

Allegro Brands: custom typeface

Allegro, a leading e-commerce platform in Poland, offers an extensive selection of products and user-friendly experience, cementing its position as a key player in the Polish online shopping landscape.

Engram Font Adaptation for Warsaw's Identity

Warsaw has introduced a new brand identity, which includes a modified version of the Engram font.

Nine's restaurant Identification

Visual communications for NINE'S, one of Poland's premier gastronomy concepts and co-owned by Robert Lewandowski.

Aioli Logo Refinement

AIOLI's rebranding by blended metropolitan and Mediterranean styles in its logo redesign and communication.

Canpol Logo Redesign

Canpol Babies Identification and Semi-Custom Typeface